Wednesday 19th February 2025

Start work on the new point cross-over.

After double checking the position of the new point, Geoff's first job was to cut the ends of the insitu point with a Dremel and cutting disk. Stephen then carefully removed the redundant point parts and the old track bed down to the chipboard base.

Matching rail was sourced from two old yard lengths of track. However, it was discovered that both had 1 side of nickel silver and 1 side of steel rail. Geoff's second job was to unsolder the NS rails for reuse.

With the new point offered into place, the unwanted areas of mounding and foliage were marked and removed. This also involved removal of some of the ply upstand.

Geoff constantly checked the track clearances to maintain their 'legality'.

The point on the extension board is located close to the existing board edge to allow the sidings to deviate from parallel to the existing trackwork, for visual interest. The final position will be agreed in due course. (We have a couple of lengths of Peco NG flexitrack to play with).

Wiring/electrics was also discussed. New track sections were straight forward. 

Existing board: 1 new point motor. 

New front extension boards: 1 new point motor and 3 uncoupling magnets across the 2 new boards (all servo controlled). Instead of buying a MERG master servo controller, Geoff suggested 2 of the new controllers (one on each board). These smaller/cheaper units that control 4 servos and would appear to suit our situation well. Geoff will investigate further. Plugs and sockets for local wiring and switches for the control panel will also be addressed in due course.