Monday 24th February 2025

Geoff had been going through his 'stock' of various 3D printed components for the point motors and magnetic uncouplers, and decided we needed to check which designs were the most suitable for the new board units. The arrangement of neodymium magnets in particular needed to be confirmed. The main board was up-ended on the bench and a survey carried out. 

Point motor

A rather messily modified uncoupler

We then went straight into fitting the new mainline point. To match the existing track 'underlay' (make unknown) meant 3 layers of thin card rather than the thin cork we had anticipated.

The final position of the point showed that more of the scenery peninsula needed to be removed and the big belt sander had to be used to trim the plywood edges down.

Thin cork underlay was glued down and the refurbished point fitted in the siding area.

An old length of Peco O-16.5 flexitrack, with sleepers respaced, was used for the short siding.