Thursday 4th December

Finish off platform.
Finish off plaster cast rocks and tunnel linings.
Continue ballasting.

Laurence was on a half day and joined us at lunchtime.

Geoff sanded down the platform plaster infill. Stephen thought it looked good, as the overall finish was smooth, with a few blemishes, but Geoff thought some sort of coarser texture was required. A dusting of plaster over a paint layer will be attempted next week.

The joints of the edging stones had been filled as well, but a fine scribing with a knife should put just the right amount of definition back.

Stephen worked on the rock sections fixed the previous week, and specifically on the mass of plaster poured in between the sections. Using a narrow chisel, matching rock faces were carved into the smooth-ish infill lumps.

He then turned his new skill to the lining of the tunnel which was placed/smeared by hand, producing a much more acceptable appearance.

Both then switched to ballasting - Stephen on the mine line and siding and Geoff on the extension board. Some thought needs to be given to the large yard area as a variety of surfaces is possible, which will have completely different visual effect and require equally different technique.