Wednesday 21st August 2024

Stephen had produced two more TV aerials and so a discussion continued as to which houses would receive them. Originally, the scruffiest house had the only aerial, but it was decided to plant the three  BBC/ITV aerials on the smarter houses and produce a BBC aerial (H grid only) for the scruffy house. Additional magnets were glued into the rear of the chimney stacks, and Stephen will make the earlier/simpler aerial for the remaining occupied house.

The bike was glued in its chosen location.

The pigeons were given a few painted highlights to create a more realistic effect.

Geoff had found some more people and animals and did a combined print run. However, they were a bit small, so an adjusted batch were also printed, which were much better: The dogs cats and rabbits were cute! Geoff still seeks out figures to bolster the Opening Day crowds on Worton Court. Parent and child combinations featured in the latest batch.

The method of printing is always a strange affair, with all of the support rods making a rather macabre image.