Lighting support poles and fixings.
Control panel switches.
Geoff had purchased 2 lengths of 15mm copper pipe for the lighting frames. The next board - the bridge - was set up and the lighting poles and light strips were erected. After extensive investigation work assessing the existing poles, fixings, cableways, etc., the design of the two new poles was agreed. These would be fixed to the single-leg supports, so blocks would be fitted on the uprights. With through holes in the blocks and collars to support the pipes rather than blind holes with tee fittings to carry the LED wires, the new blocks were made and fitted.
The top of the pipes needed to be bent to match the existing radius - approximately 275mm. When nothing could be found for a replacement former (we previously used the boiler on Geoff's old steam boat!) a former was made from MDF. An old pipe-spring was inserted and the pipes coerced into shape.
There are two more boards to the right, but it is looking good. The old and new flow nicely together.
Stephen's final job was to replace the rotary switches for nice chunky toggle switches. These determine whether the main station control panel or the local control panel has control of the three sections on the new boards.
Large toggle switches determine controller for three sections.
Red, illuminated, push-button switches for track sections.
Small toggle switches for servo-powered, hinged, uncoupling magnets.
Hinged uncoupling magnets, servo-powered (homemade).
Black rotary knobs for points.
Red LED's for DC and AC supplies status.