Wednesday 13th December 2023

Review homework on the office/house.
Continue with pipework structure.
Print replacement windows for engine shed.
Degrade rust effects on engine shed roof.
Consider paving for office forecourt.

The guttering and downpipes built the previous week were lost in transit - twice!!! There was no choice but to remake them in the redesigned format. The back half of all the windows had been painted and fitted.

Stephen had always seen the office entrance with a porch to save staff waiting to be admitted getting wet in the rain. The first effort had oversized timbers and a tiled roof and it didn't look good. The tiles were cut off and a file was taken to the timbers, before painting. It was now a test structure, and didn't look too bad. The whole area had never looked resolved and now needed serious consideration. More anon.

Geoff made and fitted the timber panel at the pipe entry into the building. The pipe cradles were epoxied to the framework tops and the flanges were spaced-out and superglued in place.

After toning down the engine shed roof rust, Stephen returned to the office entrance and  made some trial stone slabs. Loosely laid, there was an immediate change in the area appearance. A Morris van was hastily retrieved from storage and placed to one side. It was looking good. Image searches for stone paving gave insight into how much texture was needed on thinner, coarse card. A panel right across to the loading dock would finish things nicely.

Geoff's trials with transfers onto the corrugated iron had worked well and after (finally) finding his sheets of home-transfer papers, it was decided to 'have a go'. The name, pulled from a list of common local surnames, random initials and an all-encompassing tag-line, will be applied to some transfer paper in due course.

It's all coming together nicely.