Wednesday 17th May 2023

Produce corrugated sheets.

The idea of printing our own corrugated sheeting has been discussed for some time, and Geoff was keen to have a go. Stephen had always liked the Wills sheets that had some bolt-head detail. After some research, Geoff had produced a standard sheet, representing an 8 ft sheet including the recommended overlap. This would allow sheets to be laid flat, with no overlap, to create a full wall covering. The resin (liquid) printer would be used.

The process went like this: A single sheet was drawn in Designspark, then several sheets were laid out to fill the 'build-plate' of the printer economically. The sheets were printed, the plate was left to drain-off excess resin, and then given a quick rinse in isopropyl alcohol. The sheets were then scraped off the build plate and placed into a dedicated washer/curer, where more isopropyl and an agitator washed them more thoroughly. Finally, an array of UV lights cured the sheets.

Build plate just lifted from resin tank

Build plate being drained

Sheets being scraped off build plate

Sheets being washed in isopropyl alcohol bath with agitator (photo to follow).

UV curing stage

Stephen then took one of the building prints and started to arrange sheets to create a suitable layout.

Although the sheets can be cut, different sizes can be quickly created from the original CAD drawing to produce multiple 'specials'. One example was full 8ft sheets spanning window head to cill were produced, but there will probably be a lot more.