Wednesday 20th April 2022

Review latest figures added to layout.
Dismantle layout and prepare everything required for the Eastleigh show.

Geoff had continued to find 3D figures online, download, print, paint and find interesting places to site them.

A few more spectators on the fence and a queue is forming at the ticket office. Apparently, children are scarce in the '3D printable' world - just one found so far.

A few punters now waiting for the refreshments caravan to open.

A few more 'gricers' on the platform.

A couple of volunteers at the engine shed and next to the station master.

They still haven't worked out how to fix the crane, but the old lady finally found somewhere to  sit-down and have a cigarette.

Apparently, a railway inspector is visiting the opening day of the new railway group and is being taken to the office. We're not entirely sure who the character by the phone is.

We then started to dismantle the layout. Boxes and bubble wrap were used to pack everything away. Some things took ages to work out how we packed them 'last time', but it mostly went smoothly.

The two main boards went into the travelling frame (which did need some working out).

The end board sits nicely on the fiddleyard. They will sit on the casing of the main boards, once the lid is attached.

All of the valence components got wrapped in bubble wrap.

The trestles fold-up nicely. We remembered the additional trestle to replace the storage rack when 'on the road'.

Everything else - backscene panels, control box, controllers, all the electrical units together with loads of tools and spares gets assembled ready to get loaded into the two cars on Friday night.

Eastleigh here we come!