Wednesday 13th April 2022

A full house and we all spent time looking for and rectifying things that weren't quite right.

Stephen tried to rectify the missing bell sound from the signalling system. Nothing wrong could be found and he stopped looking when working under the baseboard became too uncomfortable. Geoff then stripped the whole unit out and carried out a full test on the work bench - and got it working. One of the on-board switches had been accidentally altered and once corrected, it was hooked up to the new speaker. It was audible, but Geoff was certain a back-box would be better. As no suitable container could be found, he popped indoors, drew one up and set the 3D filament printer working over lunch. When finished, it was fitted to the baseboard and successfully tested.

The new water tank roof was glued in place.

Geoff had been painting more figures, which were found suitable homes and 'planted'. A nice little scene emerged around the redundant crane.

One of the 3D printed figures not dissimilar to one of the operators....

The back edge of the platform was given the same grass treatment as the front. All around the layout, small areas were touched up. 

Next week, the layout will be dismantled ready for packing up into two cars and heading for Eastleigh.