Wednesday 15th December 2021

Check rails for yard road surface retension.
Engine shed pit edging.
Scenery sub-structure.

Laurence on family duties this week.

Geoff finished off the check rails in the mason's yard to contain the road surfaces and only had a few short sections of the 'repurposed' rail left over. It looked great.

Stephen used prepared strips of 2mm plastikard to reinforce the edges of the engine shed pit. 

Attention then turned to the foam blocks that will eventually become the sub-structure of the hills. Pieces cut up and shaped during the previous exercise and dismantled to work on the underside of the layout were slowly repositioned. Anything that looked ok was glued down with PVA glue. The bandsaw made quick and clean work of shaping some pieces.

We had to stop when the numerous lumps of metal to hold the foam down got in the way. There's always next week.

The paper building models were loosely placed on the foam structure and generally worked well, especially on the section extending out to the engine shed siding where the cottages and winding footpath could now be envisaged much better.