Wednesday 8th September

Test the new control panel and loom on the layout.

The start time was set back due to a combination of the weather, tea and some lovely homemade rhubarb cake, but we eventually made it into the workshop.

The full 10 board layout was set up (we're getting quicker). The new hand held controller plug hadn't arrived, so control was provided by using the main panel unit. The exchange board wiring 'spider' had temporarily been 'lashed' together to power the 4 adapter boards from the new control panel. Laurence's Deceauville was run from the fiddle yard around to the bridge on the mainline, then switched over and run back on the quarry line. However, the Mason's board quarry section was was dead, so investigations were undertaken. A mis-placed wire in the panel was found and correctly connected. Stephen continued to test the tracks and points, with all sections traversed several times. Meanwhile, Geoff examined and rectified some areas of track that appeared to be under gauge and some adapter board joints that were slightly out of alignment. Early on in the session, one of the section switches LED's had flickered and failed although power to the track was ok. The switch was successfully replaced.

Next week we intend to look at finishing the track. A short section in the engine shed is required, but this is over a full inspection pit, The siding off the engine shed will have a simpler ash pit added. Both require holes through the baseboard, so their designs need to be carefully established.