Wednesday 4th April

Review wagon/transfer status
Building refinements

Full house - rain - warmish.

Geoff had experimented with spray and brushed varnish on a white waterslide transfer sheet, but they hadn't worked very well, so he will revert to using spray white paint. Further experimenting with fonts is required, to achieve an acceptable 'C'. Arial and Segoe are 'in the frame', albeit that individual letters may be rendered in different fonts to get the 'correct' effect. Geoff will prepare and run-off sufficient transfers for all the remaining wagons. Different numbers will be applied on each side, so 34 in total. Stephen and Geoff will coordinate their numbering to avoid duplication.

Geoff displayed a wagon with the underframe metalwork black, which looked good. Stephen will paint his rake to match. Once painted and lettered, they will all be weathered at the same time, for uniformity.

A test using the cassettes was started, but had to be aborted when a 'rogue' cassette was discovered with rail problems. Laurence rectified the problems and a full running session was suggested for the following week, to give the end-stops a full work-out. Hopefully, all or most of the wagons will be in running order, so they too can be tested and weights trialled.

Stephen located the building on the layout to fit the office threshold strip. The doors had been fitted using bent L shaped pieces of brass rod, which allows the doors to be removed as necessary. Downpipes had also been fitted and the walls weathered by adding general grime and green growth, as requested.