Running session
A full running session was planned to test the newly completed cassettes. However, as often happens when we set the layout up, the team were soon side-lined by a few 'issues'.
Geoff had completed the branding of his rake of wagons and fitted wheels and couplers. They really looked the part. After the doubts about the font, alternatives were sought. Stephen proposed "Swiss721 Blk BT" which was on his PC, but not Geoffs. Once downloaded, it was 'approved' and used for the rest of the transfers (we haven't removed any of the previous branding trials).
Geoff had also produced a set of transfers for Stephen to apply to his rake.
With the engine room interior now finished, the lighting (12v, ex-Christmas filament type) were thought to be too bright, but the power unit we employ was easily re-tuned to produce a more suitable effect.
Stephen had brought back the fuel gantry with pipework, control box and delivery hose fitted.
After lunch, stock was loaded onto cassettes and Laurence 'played trains'. Discussions ensued about what to do with cassettes both empty and loaded with stock. We had decided that only cassettes would be left in the fiddle area i.e. no loose items. With two cassettes 'engaged' two more can be left in the central space. Putting the rest on the storage shelves wouldn't be of use in the exhibition and tables might not be available. Geoff came up with the idea of a narrow shelf, no deeper than the control panel, running along the back. Spare MDF and ply strips were clamped in place and it immediately looked a viable option. Very little thought was required to establish the construction and installation details, and we suddenly had a brilliant plan! Materials will be sourced and the hinged shelf and brackets fabricated.
We still seem to have problems with badly prepared stock so we need to have a concerted effort to rectify malfunctioning couplings and wheels. We also need to fit weights and/or brakes on free-wheeling stock to enable the magnetic couplers work properly. There is limited siding space so not overloading the layout will be important. Exhibitions with Cottesmore always entailed a running schedule, but Worton Court is so much smaller. A review of what type of rolling stock and trains we wish to operate and the establishment of some rules/set movements should ensure a smooth and realistic performance.