Gas engine detailing
Fence extension
Coke storage
Due to flooding the the South East, Stephen was two hours late, but the other two pressed on in silent bliss!
Geoff carried on adding fittings to the engine using both plasticard and brass. Once a satisfactory level of detail had been achieved, he began painting the model. First a base of green, then the wheels in red. Wearing surfaces will be cleaned to bare metal, in due course.
Stephen continued to assemble some cut-down sleepers to form an enlarged coke storage area. Super-glued together and re-stained, metal strapping was added and the unit glued in place.
Stephen had brought a small pot of ballast he'd prepared for a Gn15 line, using Cornish grit mixed with neat acrylic paint. It was a grey/brown colour which, he understood to be ideal for coke, but a discussion on the actual nature/colour of coke ensued resulting in a need for further investigation!