Thursday 4th February


Geoff continued to work on the main road gateway into the estate. Piers were extended upwards, to take account of the radiused coping. The new height was discussed in the context of the gate proportions, which could start to look odd. It was agreed that this should be reviewed and consideration given to raising the road slightly, to compensate.

This left-over piece of the coping base shows in ingenuity entailed to construct the feature. Turned as a solid unit, two quadrants have been used.

Laurence glued his new fence into place, after first 'touching-up' the disturbed ground around it.

Stephen brought along a 2-LED unit he'd made up with a power supply, for the goods shed. This was cut off the end of the tunnel lights which were from Wilkinson Christmas light set. It appears that the LED's contain their own resistors, so they can be connected directly to a suitable 3v supply. Glued onto a thin strip of wood, the 2 lights cast a nice light on the platform, but also created a very attractive effect through the skylights. However, the contact adhesive slowly etched its way through the lacquer on the wires, creating a short. The unit was taken home for repair.

As a precursor to fitting the tunnel lights, the very back of the tunnel itself was given an extra coat of black paint, graduating through greys, to the lighter stone paint of the front. However, the middle of the tunnel was very difficult to access, so a suitable 'bent' brush will be sought.

We had a visitor this week, who offered to take a rare photo of the whole group. Nice one Lisa!

Geoff has another railway project 'on the go' - a compact, multi-level OO layout. He's recently fitted the first of many Fulgarex point actuators, but was very disappointed with the noise they make, in-situ. Following on from the success of the micro-servo-based actuators developed for our layout, he produced a Mk 5 (?) version tailored to his requirements. More highly engineered, and with the point blade connections he's employing, the unit worked beautifully. More in due course .....