Start making the point actuators
Generator building
Engine flywheel
Estate building and adjacent scenery
Tank base
As planned, we made a start on the base plates for the point actuators. Stephen had supplied an aluminium fascia sample panel that had a bent edge, perfect for the bases and Laurence started to cut them out.
9 are required, so 5 to go.
Stephen finalised positioning the Gasifier support framework. This can now be fixed in place and the floor completed. The Engine room raised floor was cut out and positioned. This will be held in place with tee nuts to allow the engine and drive mechanism to be assembled off the model. Geoff plans to have a chess-board, black and white floor tile floor. Routes for lighting cables were also planned and the required holes marked.
Geoff machined the second flywheel and finished the spokes by hand. He also made a start on the crank/drive shaft.
A long discussion took place on how to shape the foam block abutting the garage/store building. A separate retaining wall was agreed. Which was cut out and finished in plastic brickwork by S & G jointly. Stephen then shaped the foam roughly, gluing additional pieces as required.
Stephen was keen to reuse a proprietary vacuum formed van body that John had converted into a shed. A new fence will enclose the shed and screen it from the adjacent road passing through a gateway, onto the estate. However, only when preparing the photo below did a glaring error show up. The hole in the wall over the shed is the doorway to the first floor, which is reach via a solid staircase. A rethink required!