Thursday 16th April

Review proposed point actuators.
Gas holder retaining wall.
Generator building extension.

Stephen brought along his Gn15 layout that now included two point actuators using the micro-servos (as previously described).

The units are wired in tandem and still worked well with just one AA battery. The whirr of the motors seemed more prominent than before, possibly due to the use of a new battery. We'll have to look into ways to reduce it, if it becomes a problem on Worton Court.

Stephen had received all of the servos and micro switches required to replace the solenoid motors on the layout. Mass production options to be discussed in due course. He had also received a 1.5v power supply, purchased on eBay, but this has yet to be tested.

Geoff carried on working on the gas holder retaining wall. He had replicated the irregular profiled curved wall and added the coping brickwork. This was then printed onto plastic sheet using his cutter-printer set to the partial-cut setting, which produced a scribed sheet. This was cut out, laminated with plain sheet to obtain the correct depth and cut to length. The edges were radiused and the perpends (vertical mortar joints) scribed.

Stephen (with a little help from Laurence), completed the slating of the generator building extension.

A round window will be inserted in the gable, to disguise the amount of plain brickwork.