Thursday 15th January 2015

Progress goods shed mods.
Make a buffer for goods shed.
Progress water tower valve/pipework and refitting.
Finish crossover detailing.
Discuss the future of the workshop.

Stephen continued work on what we are now happy to call 'the goods shed'. The valance panel was trimmed and fitted, the dock was stained, the back wall was also given a coat of stain as means to dulling the bright red brick sheet. Finally, the ridge flashing was replaced with pieces of thin aluminium sheet bent and moulded to shape.

Geoff fabricated a buffer stop for the shed. Rail was bent around a bar-former and all soldered up with printed circuit board cross members clad in timber. A coat of grime finished it nicely (just sorry the photo is so poor). However, it was slightly askew, so it was consigned to the end of the works siding and another will be made for the shed.

Whilst installing the prototype buffer, attention was drawn to the workshop building. It's been a bit of a mystery to us why a workshop with such equipment is almost completely open to the elements. Furthermore, a problem for us will be the overhauling of the equipment, which will pose a great deal of work for someone. We took a pragmatic view and decided to infill the arches on the front with brick panels and large windows. The ends would have brick/timber infill panels and large sliding doors. We'll probably keep one or two of the four chimneys.

Laurence brought the new valve he had made for the water tower supply pipe. He and Stephen assembled the parts for the new base, drilled the hole for the new supply pipe, which is the bolt that holds it all in place.

Geoff finished off the timber crossover by detailing the remaining planks, rubbing it all down and staining to a nice, uniform oak colour.

It was a late start this week as all three had other commitments, but quite a bit was achieved, nonetheless.