Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Repair point (engine shed to siding).
Add electrical jumper to Edwards yard point off mainline.
Glue scrap timber pile together.
Add a sleeper to the end of the siding.

The engine shed to siding point had 'played-up' the previous week by not travelling the full way and bouncing back slightly. Close examination determined that the wire actuator needed to throw further, but once moved to the next servo arm hole, the wire was too short and a new wire was required. Once fitted, Geoff needed to reprogram the point using the MERG programmer.

One of the point blades on the point into Edwards Yard was receiving an intermittent electrical feed. This is normally fed through the pin at the pivot pivot at the end, but they sometimes lose the contact with the printed circuit-board sleepers. The standard solution is to solder a jumper wire under the point, from the stock rail to the blade, which worked again.

In between assisting with the above, Stephen  glued the pieces of scrap timber he'd created previously.

Stephen got the brown paint out and touched up several sections of rail where the 'rust' had worn off. While painting the rail at the end of the shed siding, he queried the lack of a buffer and Geoff knocked-up a prestigious bolted-down sleeper.