Wednesday 17th January 2024

Office paving.
Factory: signage, facias, rainwater pipes.

Firstly, we received the sad news that the Warley Model Railway Show at the NEC has been cancelled. The exhibition is run by the Warley Model Railway Club and they have decided that, with dwindling club membership, they are no longer able to put the show on.

Geoff got to work on the trestles and soon had both frames assembled and the adjustable feet fitted. The 3D printed 'pads' will be designed, printed and fitted in due course. 

It was agreed that the frames would require diagonal bracing arms to ensure that they don't fall over at inopportune moments. These will be assessed the next time the layout is set up, which will be in the near future.

Stephen continued to make paving slabs from thick card, coating each of them with diluted PVA and leaving to dry in front of the essential fan heater. The ground in the paved area was not level, so filler was applied. The building itself also needed a packer along the front edge. The slabs should be fixed down next week.

Geoff painted the factory fascia's, 'beefed up' the signage outline and added more rust streaks. The metal windows will get the rust treatment next week.

Geoff will attempt to design gutters for the factory - possibly ogee profile, but half-round would be quite acceptable Geoff!

A brief discussion took place regarding the water supply to the engine shed tank. It was originally going to be an over-ground pipe from the back of the layout  passing the end of the cottages. The current idea is that it will come underground to a point on the front corner of the end cottage and rise up in a small enclosure.