Wednesday 8th November 2023

Fit windows - office and factory.
Assemble the office building and front steps unit.
Review the existing end scene panel in the factory setting and consider proposal for disguising it.

The two brick buildings had been glued together the previous week and now Stephen glued the front steps unit in place. Geoff started gluing glazed window units into the separate factory building while Stephen glued the rest of the window frames into the house and office.

The existing white, 6mm MDF end panel was bolted in place to assess its suitability in the new factory scenario. The 'hole' was sized to suit its usual position just beyond the bridge which tended to obscure it to some extent. On the factory end, either something was needed to obscure the hole, a smaller hole, or a combination of both would be better as it the hole was more visible. 

An old idea for a framework supporting pipes over the track to and from the factory sounded good. Geoff found some plastic OO steel trestle frames that could be used and Google images were reviewed to find suitable prototypes. Geoff started to thin-down the chunky framework sections making them look more lightweight. Stephen prepared a black card insert with a minimum square sized hole. It was finally decided to continue with the pipe carrying structure and make a new end panel with a minimum sized square hole.

Holes for bolts to fix the separate factory unit were drilled. Fixings for the rear factory unit were investigated and two wooden blocks would be glued to the rear panels allowing bolts to go up from the tunnel roof.

The rear roof on the loading bay building was remade as the corrugated plastic had slowly deformed.