Wednesday 6th September 2023

Start painting the factory buildings.
Finish the roof tiling on the cottages.

Painting the factory buildings started with research - both of real buildings and advice from modelling sites. Geoff had determined that the most effective rusty corrugated iron models started with a dark, aged rust colour, then highlights of brighter rust and finally, with the un-rusted surface colours. Today, he mixed up paint to the dark rust colour and sprayed pretty much everything.

Stephen had been working on the interior of the separate building at home and had sprayed part of the interior with grey primer. A lot had ended up on the window reveals, which reduced the stark appearance of the white foamboard, so Geoff hand painted the reveals of the main building to match. Once dirty glazing has been fitted, not much of the interior will be clearly visible.

Stephen had also made the three remaining doorways from plasticard and these were sprayed with Crystal acrylic 'Periscope green'. (Tank periscope glass rather than submarines!) 

As there was brown paint left over, the engine shed got the same treatment.

Stephen had also discovered a wide-angle setting on his camera phone and experimented a bit.

Meanwhile, Stephen finished off tiling the rear of the cottages. These had been left as plain card slopes until the line of the backscene, the height of the ridges, and whether the rear roof slopes were visible had been determined. Still lots to be done on the cottages, but an interesting perspective.