Wednesday 11th May 2022

Tidy up the workshop storage area.
Modify the transportation frame.
Pack the layout away.

In searching around the workshop to find the various items we needed for the exhibition, we realised what a mess the area was in. The first job after the show was to go through all of the various boxes and separate what could be thrown out, what could be re-boxed to make it easier to find and to discover things we thought were lost. A very worthwhile exercise.

We then modified the two end pieces that allowed the two main parts of the layout to be held together for transporting. Originally, two bolts had to fed through holes in the ends, but from inside the layout boards - a very fiddly job. M8 tee nuts were fitted to the inside face of the boards to allow bolts to be inserted from outside. Another worthwhile exercise.

Once these tasks were completed, we were able to return the layout to the storage racks.

Next week we start to reacquaint ourselves with the new boards.