Fit scenery profile onto adapter board #4.
Investigate rest of scenery on adapter board #4.
Review outstanding engine shed trackwork.
Review building finishes generally.
A full house and the first job was to confirm the first profile board had glued satisfactorily. The bridge board was removed and replaced with the empty adapter board #4. Blocks of wood were prepared and the profile boards glued and clamped into place. The small profile unit at the front of the layout and a preliminary backscene board were also added.
This prompted a discussion about how to finish off board #4 as it connects to board #3. Although not an exhibition board, #4 will have scenery, for our own pleasure. Board #3 (1 of two exchange boards) will be plain black. This discussion became more animated than expected. Stephen and Geoff agreed on the ground tapering down to track level rather than extending at a fixed height. Stephen promoted a 'stage effect', with a rising hillside slowly going over the track creating the effect of the track going off at an angle. Geoff preferred a 'practical' solution with a tunnel mouth, but trying to create a similar effect. Geoff produced an MDF tunnel mouth and various trials with strips of wood and cardboard took place. As a compromise, the tunnel mouth was widened to allow it to be placed at an un-prototypical angle, in order to point away from the actual track route - Geoff glued it down quickly. We'll see what it looks like next week when we can develop the ground levels more easily.
The only outstanding section of track is the engine shed and inspection pit. A discussion took place on materials and order of installation: concrete floor (cardboard), brickwork side walls (a piece of Slaters English bond was found), lay track, plastic beam sections to be glued to underside of rails (steels found), intermediate rail/beam support posts (2 no. each rail), plastic tie bars between rails (through holes drilled in rails - to maintain gauge), concrete floor up to rail top (plaster). The enclosing building has yet to be designed, but that will be part of the whole building design exercise for the mason's yard board, which was briefly discussed. The extent of the corrugated has not been decided, but Slaters dressed stone for the works/factory buildings was agreed, with Slaters more random 'stone courses' for the houses.
With everything glued up solidly, we hope to start investigating the main ground profiles using insulation board. Exciting stuff!