Wednesday 23rd October

Continue with support legs
Continue with track laying

In other words, more of the same... again.

After getting the boards level on temporary supports, Geoff and Laurence fitted bracket number 2, which supports the end of extension board #5, the engine shed board.

They moved straight on to the next leg, which needed a slightly different arrangement as the uprights of the racking were just beyond the limit of the next board edge. The final design had the frame clips mounted on the side of the racking upright.

Meanwhile, Stephen pressed on laying track on adaptor board #3. Although the brass screws had arrived, the acute angle of the rails across the board joint meant that solid Paxolin strips made for a much more stable assembly. Geoff made the strips up and Stephen fitted them. Standard track was laid around the outer, quarry tunnel line and modified sleeper track laid along the inner scenic section.

The track onto the next board (Extension #5) cannot be completed as that board now needs to be bolted onto the bridge board to set the exact rail positions (for when they are in the extended exhibition format). Once the rail ends are established, the track can be completed on the board.

Finally, the line of the two runs of boards was checked following the hinge packer insertion last week and all were pleased to see the gap was millimetre perfect.

The final extension board in place (Stone masons). The fiddleyard bolts onto the end with it's other end supported on the spare trestle leg unit. Although quite narrow, we were happy with the space between the board runs operationally and also with the view of the new boards from the operating position on the main station.