Continue building the new rectangular board
Make new knurled connector pins
Review hinge connectors for inaccessible boards
A full house today. Laurence continued building the new rectangular board, carefully incorporating the end previously made-up with the connector pins to the irregular shaped adaptor board.
Stephen and Geoff reviewed the back flap hinges purchased for the board connections where access underneath the boards for bolts was not possible. Geoff ground off one pin end and found a length of steel to form an easily removable replacement pin. Stephen them adapted the rest of the hinges.
Meanwhile, Laurence continued to assemble the final adaptor board - the small rectangular board.
Stephen started to transpose the track layout onto the main adaptor boards ready to apply the cork underlay (probably next week). It was interesting the see the actual track layout at full size, for the first time.
Geoff started to make the two final knurled connector pin units, but due to having used all of the steel pin rodding (and an issue with the drill size system), the project became a bit more complicated and the first brass ferule split. Greater care and a bit more work will be needed.
The fabrication of four new adaptor boards and two new layout boards (not in their 'exhibition' positions) has caused some confusion (for some more than others). The diagram below should clarify the situation: