Wednesday 10th April

Signal electrics

A full house and all were eager to view the LED lights that had arrived. However, Stephen had a final task to complete on the signalling - setting the correct output voltage for the signal module. Signs on the remote signals and the switch/bell box were also fitted. Laurence was then given a tutorial on using the system. The dismal bell didn't seem quite so dismal after the volts boost - maybe it'll be ok.

There was discussion about fitting the cabling for the signals, but it was soon 'put to one side'. However, two small squares of plasticard were fitted to represent the treadles that 'announce' the arrival of trains on both tracks. These were painted galvanised/silver.

The layout was moved down the workshop to enable the fiddleyard trestle to be tried out, possibly, for the first time. It needed height-adjusting and a block fitted to stop sideways movement of the layout. The backscenes and the light poles were fitted...

... as were the gutter holders. These will be fixed to the gutters in due course and allow quick fitting and demounting.

Three 3m lengths of LED's had been purchased - two bright (one for each gutter section) and one warm white to be halved - one for each gutter. A doubled-up bright white was temporarily taped to one gutter and loosely held in place. A very nice intensity albeit cold, as expected.

Adding a single length of warm white had the desired effect.

The final arrangement

Seeing shadows from stock at the front of the layout led us to decide that the gutters should be moved out to the front of the layout. A small pipe extension was required, but this will be worked into the ongoing name board design. The name board had been approved and sent off to Stephens brother for printing and assembling. We'll see how flexible the sheet is before deciding how to fix it to the piping/guttering.

The To Do List came out next and tasks undertaken. Stephen filled holes around buildings and Geoff weathered some 'Jubilee' track for the quarry siding. However, with everything set up, Laurence couldn't resist having a play and we all soon 'fell in'. Geoff's tipper wagon coupling problem had been resolved and was on the layout for testing. A few other locos and wagons soon joined them for a good-old shunting session.