Wednesday 13th March

Discuss another exhibition.
Discuss the To Do list.
Control box fitting.
New electrical connectors.
Stick stuff down.
Lorry painting.

We have been invited to the SWING show in Littlehampton and need to respond asap. Coming in 6 weeks time and then only three weeks before the Burton show it could be tight going, so we had prepared a To Do list. After considering said list, we felt it was do-able and would be an ideal opportunity to stress-test both the layout and ourselves under exhibition conditions.

While Laurence picked up where he'd left the repainting of the coal lorry, Stephen and Geoff turned to forming the new fixings for the control panel. Geoff had prepared two chunky aluminium angles and these were bolted to the box ends. We immediately realised that the box was located at the junction of the two backscene panels - over two fixing bolts. Realising that the box would hold the ends in place the panel bolts were removed. With the box clamped in place, holes were drilled through the angles and the baseboard for the M8 bolts. Tee nuts were screwed into place and the box secured perfectly, as were the scenic panels.

Geoff had made-up the trial electrical connectors and having been readily accepted, he made up the other set. One end was secured on a scrap of vero-board and the removable end was secured in a thick piece of paxolin to make plugging/unplugging easier.

We have been conscious that Worton Court has far less operating potential than Cottesmore and there was a need to select only suitable and good condition items for the shows. In a useful session over lunch, Stephen's stock was assessed and 'unsuitable' items identified. He can now concentrate on preparing just those items.

Stephen went on to spray paint the new shrubbery under the big tree, flocked it and glued it all in place. He then re-glued all of the sheep down due to their pasture being re-grassed. Loose detailing items were glued down around the workshop. He finally turned the glue tube on the main building/yard area where ivy (both gables), dustbins, coal sacks, pallets, bags of coke, weighing scales etc were secured.