Wednesday 2nd August


Breaking News - the tree has gone! The neighbours tree that has been steadily trying to push the workshop over has finally been cut down. There is plenty of remedial work to be carried out, but the cause of all the damage is now firewood. Laurence, being on his latest holiday, won't get to see the void until next week.

Geoff and Stephen worked primarily on the workshop, Geoff on the interior and Stephen on the gutters and base. First, the back and side walls were clad in plasticard brick sheeting. We considered making the back and floor removable for ease of fitting out the equipment, but changed our minds.

Plastic sheet was cut to size for the floor and the sub-base adjusted to suit. The equipment, that came out of John's building, was arranged to comply with good workshop practice, but there wasn't enough room. As well as the brazier, bench and tools, there is a wall-mounted motor and pulley/belt system (left) to accommodate. The old building, albeit fairly open-sided, was quite dark inside and the equipment was only just visible, but the revamped building is due to have new LED lighting, to highlight the interior and its details. The building clearly needs to be reassessed, so a 'directors' meeting is required to decide what to do. Could it become an engine shed with a few tools, but what about John's equipment?

Stephen modified the back of the RWP swan-neck to fit flush on the wall and had to remake the top socket before repainting. Both gutters will be fitted once the interior is finished.