Fiddle yard re-railer
Generator room window
Laurence on holiday yet again ....
Stephen had fabricated a Hornby-type re-railer for the fiddleyard. It was carefully designed to suit the angles used instead of rail, but a) it didn't fit between the sides and b) it was too steep to control the bogie coaches used for testing.
A short discussion on the problem/options led to Geoff suggesting an infill strip that would allow the vehicles to be 'dragged' across the base to align the wheels. A sheet of foamed plastic, erroneously purchased years before, was just the right material and thickness. The band-saw produced perfect strips that were cleaned-up and the ends tapered. A initial test proved successful so Stephen went into full production. Impact adhesive was used to fix the strips down. They worked incredibly well - even John's compensated bogie coach dropped unerringly into place. So simple yet so effective.
Geoff had been testing different ways of sticking the card window frame sheets onto clear acrylic and had settled on using the matt varnish spray, but waiting until it was almost dry before assembling. With the glazing complete and the opening light 'notched' and in place, the whole assembly was fitted into the brickwork. A length of plastic rod was glued around the brick/window junction to secure the frame. Wow!
The test window panels were destined for the bin, but instead, were cut up and 'augmented' to form some clutter.
Stephen glued down the sheep he'd painted the previous week. The first 'figures' introduced on the layout.