Thursday 21st July

Gas engine
Coke storage area

Just G & S as L was on granddad duties on the south coast.

Geoff completed work on the gas engine and refitted it in the building. The engine and drive unit were given 'the once over' and oiled. It was then powered-up and left to run.

The next job was making the dynamo. A lengthy hunt for suitable plastic tubing led to the total destruction of a fibre-tipped pen. A brass core was turned to represent detail at both ends and extra details/mountings were added in plastic.

 A strip of thin brass was cut and fitted around the pulley on the dynamo to represent the belt from the engine.

Stephen painted the plaster base for the coke black and then added a coat of PVA to take a base layer of coke (dyed grit).

A further layer of coke was laid and glued in place by the time-honoured ballast method (diluted PVA and washing-up liquid).

Finally, Stephen returned to installing the coaling stage. However, as the stage had been relocated since it was made, half of the back panels were now too short, so they were removed and new pieces made and fitted.