Worklist: Add more figures. Spruce-up the cows!
Geoff always keeps an eye out for more 3D printable figures and has amassed quite a few, so painting them was Geoff's job of the week. When dry, Stephen glued them into place. The range of figures suits the theme of the inaugural Open Day of the railway well, and no doubt, a few more will appear.
A female companion for the old man. |
A father and daughter. |
Another hiker. |
A few more visitors on the back of the ticket office queue. |
We have a horse on the front of the station and a herd of cows. From time to time they look a bit dull and dusty, so they get a brushing, but they remain fairly dull. This time we decided that the livestock should have a bit of a sheen. Varnish was considered, but before attempting this, Stephen suggested furniture polish. Some was squirted into the can cap and applied to a 'test subject 1' with a cotton bud. After a while, kitchen paper was used to buff it up, giving a pleasing soft sheen. Geoff then found some satin varnish, which was applied to 'test subject 2' , by brush. Once dry, the effect was almost identical. However, Stephen preferred the polish option, so the rest of the herd got polished!
To apply figures to both boards simultaneously, two boards were set-up together which created an unusual scene.
Planning for the NEC show continues. Copious emails and the odd Zoom meeting are in progress to unravel the logistics and paperwork for the exhibition. We are slowly getting the hang of things, but it has been daunting. Where to meet up, where to unload the layout, pre-booking hall access and parking, what receipts are required? Some issues are still unclear such as layout power provision, so there will be a few things to resolve on the day. However, we (a confirmed team of 3 and four operators for the 2 days) are looking forward to the show, and the experience.