Fiddleyard connector - just 5 wires. One of Geoff's 3D printed shells was used for the 8-way plug.

Next weeks' job: soldering the loose wires to the control panel pins.
Geoff had obtained a new XLR plug & socket of the correct 'sexual orientation' - female plug / male socket. Unfortunately, the socket fixings were sufficiently different to require an intermediate blanking plate, but the matter was soon resolved.
We then turned to completing the control panel wiring by:-
a) Connecting the three selection switches to their feed sources (local or remote controllers).
b) Connecting all of the point and section switches to their respective pins.
A full house and the first job was to fit the two power indicator units that Geoff had been working on in the week. These turned out to be neon lamps, so they were simply replaced with LED's to go with the resistor & diode unit Geoff made the previous week. However, when trying to test the lamps, the existing panel power supply couldn't be used as, although the same type of fitting, one plug is male and the other female. A rigged-up supply proved the lamps worked, but if the idea of duplicated power and controls is to be maintained, a new plug and socket is required. Geoff will do some research.
Work on the panel next, with Geoff and Stephen working on the same elements, from opposing ends.